Moving your website to a new domain can be a big task, especially when it comes to maintaining your rankings and organic traffic. In a recent discussion with internet marketing experts, Bill Hartzer, a seasoned blogger, SEO, and marketer, shared his insights on how to effectively move your site to a new domain. According to Bill, the key is to take your time and avoid confusing Google. Start by putting a new site on the new domain, even if it’s just a few pages, and ensure that it gets crawled and indexed. Additionally, carefully plan out the content and establish redirects on the old domain before making the final move. Google also offers a helpful tool, the Change of Address tool, which allows you to notify them of the domain change. By following these recommendations and planning everything carefully, you can successfully move your site to a new domain while maintaining its visibility and authority.

Key Considerations for Moving to a New Domain

Moving your website to a new domain can be an exciting step for your business, but it’s important to approach the process with caution and consideration. There are several key factors to keep in mind to ensure a smooth transition and maintain your rankings and organic traffic. Let’s explore these considerations in more detail.

Take It Slow

One of the most important things to remember when moving to a new domain is to take it slow. Rushing the process can lead to mistakes that could negatively impact your website’s performance. It’s important to plan and execute the move methodically, allowing yourself enough time to make any necessary adjustments along the way.

Avoid Confusing Google

When migrating to a new domain, you want to ensure that you don’t confuse search engines, especially Google. This means avoiding any sudden changes or drastic shifts in your website’s structure or content. It’s best to maintain consistency as much as possible to ensure a smooth transition for both users and search engines.

Allow Time for Indexing

Once you have moved to a new domain, it’s important to allow time for search engines to crawl and index your new website. This process can take several weeks, so it’s essential to be patient. By giving search engines enough time to understand and analyze your new domain, you increase the chances of maintaining your rankings and organic traffic.

Check for Issues with Expired Domains

If you are considering using an expired domain for your new website, it’s crucial to thoroughly check for any potential issues. Look out for manual penalties or suspicious backlinks that may be associated with the expired domain. Ensuring the cleanliness and integrity of the domain will help avoid any negative impact on your search engine rankings.

Update Design and Content

When moving to a new domain, it’s a great opportunity to update your website’s design and content. Consider giving your website a fresh look and feel to attract and engage your audience. Additionally, review your content and make any necessary updates or improvements to ensure its relevance and value to your visitors.

Complete Redirects on Old Domain

Before making the move to a new domain, ensure that all redirects on the old domain are in place and functioning correctly. Redirecting old URLs to their new counterparts is crucial to maintaining your website’s SEO value and preventing any potential loss of traffic. Double-check that all redirects are set up properly to minimize any disruption.

Evaluate Pages Before Redirect

Before implementing redirects, it’s important to evaluate each page’s relevance and value. Not all pages may be worth redirecting, especially if they receive little to no traffic or have outdated content. By carefully evaluating each page, you can prioritize redirects and ensure that you’re only redirecting pages that will bring value to your new domain.

Plan Carefully and Move in Stages

Moving to a new domain requires careful planning and execution. It’s essential to create a detailed plan that outlines each step of the migration process. By moving in stages, you can minimize the risk of errors and make any necessary adjustments along the way. Take the time to plan everything out carefully to ensure a successful transition.

Use Google’s Change of Address Tool

To notify Google of your domain change, you can utilize Google’s Change of Address Tool. This tool allows you to inform Google about your website’s move, helping them update their index accordingly. When using this tool, it’s important to follow Google’s recommendations, such as avoiding chain site moves, not combining multiple moves, and maintaining the same site architecture in the new location.

Key Recommendations from Google

Google provides some key recommendations to keep in mind when moving to a new domain. These recommendations are based on best practices and can help ensure a smooth and successful transition.

Avoid Chain Site Moves

A chain site move refers to a scenario where one domain is moved to another domain, and then that domain is subsequently moved to another domain, and so on. This type of migration can create confusion and potentially impact your website’s search rankings. It’s best to avoid chain site moves and opt for a direct move to the desired domain.

Don’t Combine Multiple Moves

Combining multiple moves into a single location can complicate the migration process and potentially lead to errors. It’s advisable to keep each move as a separate event and avoid combining multiple migrations into one. By keeping the moves separate, you can better manage and track each transition.

Maintain Site Architecture

When migrating to a new domain, it’s important to maintain the same site architecture as much as possible. This means preserving the structure and hierarchy of your website’s pages and directories. By maintaining site architecture, you help search engines understand the relationships between different sections of your website, enhancing their ability to crawl and index your new domain effectively.


Moving to a new domain can be a significant undertaking, but with careful planning and consideration, you can minimize any potential risks and ensure a smooth transition. By following the key considerations outlined in this article and adhering to Google’s recommendations, you can maintain your website’s rankings, organic traffic, and overall online visibility. Remember to take your time, evaluate each step carefully, and seek professional assistance if needed. Good luck with your domain migration!
