In today’s digital landscape, diagnosing and fixing a loss in rankings can be quite challenging. Gone are the days when you could easily pinpoint the problem by looking at a specific date. To shed light on this issue, Bill Hartzer, an experienced blogger, SEO specialist, and marketer, joins Jim Boykin, the CEO of Internet Marketing Ninjas, for an insightful discussion on how to tackle a drop in organic rankings and traffic. In their conversation, Bill emphasizes that most ranking drops occur due to site owners making changes such as a redesign or domain switch. However, even a gradual decline in traffic might be attributed to alterations in site content. To effectively diagnose and address a rankings decline, it’s crucial to examine technical issues, conduct a content audit, assess on-site user experience, evaluate core web vitals, and optimize site structure. Additionally, implementing strategies like interlinking site topics and surfacing products and articles can help revive rankings. If you’re currently facing a loss in rankings, don’t worry! Contact the expert ninjas at Internet Marketing Ninjas to diagnose and fix the issue and regain your position in the digital landscape.

Diagnosing and Fixing a Loss in Rankings with Bill Hartzer


If you notice that your organic rankings have declined, don’t panic. Diagnosing and fixing a loss in rankings can be complex, but with the right approach, you can get your site back on track. In this article, we will explore the various factors that can influence rankings, discuss the technical issues that may be affecting your site, delve into the importance of content audit, examine the role of on-site user experience, and explore the impact of site architecture and internal linking. By following these steps, you can identify the root cause of your rankings decline and implement the necessary fixes to regain your lost visibility.


In today’s digital landscape, diagnosing and fixing a loss in rankings has become increasingly difficult. Gone are the days when a drop in rankings could easily be attributed to a specific event or date. Now, there are a multitude of factors that can influence your site’s performance in search engine results pages (SERPs). To help shed light on this topic, we turn to Bill Hartzer, a veteran blogger, SEO expert, and marketer with over two decades of experience in the field.

The Complexity of Diagnosing and Fixing a Loss in Rankings

According to Bill Hartzer, most rankings drops happen as a result of changes made by the site owners themselves. This could be a redesign, a domain change, or even content modifications. In some cases, the decline in traffic may be gradual, indicating a more subtle change on the site. To effectively diagnose and fix a loss in rankings, it is crucial to understand the factors that influence rankings and systematically analyze each aspect of your site.

Factors Influencing Rankings

When it comes to rankings, multiple factors come into play. Technical issues, content quality and relevance, on-site user experience, and site architecture play significant roles in determining your visibility on search engines. It is essential to evaluate these factors comprehensively to diagnose the cause of your rankings decline accurately.

Technical Issues

Technical issues can have a significant impact on your site’s performance in search rankings. These issues can include anything from site speed problems to broken links or errors in the site’s code. When diagnosing a rankings decline, it is crucial to start by reviewing the technical health of your website. Conduct regular site audits to identify and fix any technical issues that may be adversely affecting your rankings.

Content Audit

The quality and relevance of your content have a direct impact on your site’s rankings. Conducting a thorough content audit can help identify outdated content, loss of focus, or expertise gaps. Check for any content changes that may have contributed to the decline in rankings. Updating and optimizing your existing content or creating fresh, high-quality content can significantly improve your site’s visibility.

On-Site User Experience

User experience plays a vital role in how search engines perceive your site. Evaluate the overall user experience on your site by analyzing factors such as page load speed, mobile-friendliness, and navigation ease. Pay particular attention to Google’s Core Web Vitals, which measure key aspects of user experience. Ensuring a positive and seamless on-site user experience can positively impact your rankings.

Site Architecture and Internal Linking

The structure of your website and how effectively your site topics are interlinked can influence your rankings. Poor site architecture or lack of internal links can cause pages to lose traffic. Review your site’s architecture and internal linking strategy to ensure that pages are appropriately linked and organized in a logical manner. Creating more specific categories and improving internal link structures can help surface important products and articles, thereby reversing your rankings decline.


In conclusion, diagnosing and fixing a loss in rankings requires a systematic approach that covers various aspects of your website. By addressing technical issues, conducting a thorough content audit, optimizing on-site user experience, and improving site architecture and internal linking, you can effectively diagnose and fix your rankings decline. Remember, it is essential to stay proactive and regularly monitor your site’s performance to ensure long-term success. If you need assistance in diagnosing and fixing your site’s loss in rankings, reach out to the experts at Internet Marketing Ninjas. We are here to help you recover your rankings and achieve your digital marketing goals.
